As a result you get a better performance overall as well as a smoother ride.
Pontoon lift strakes. This boat has the elipitical toons with lifting streaks and a 90hp 4strok. The corneredge of the strake should be sharp not rounded. I have a 2015 24 Suntracker Party Barge pontoon with a Yamaha 150 4-stroke.
The boat is fast. Less weight and less wet running surface. After discussions with motor dealer and talking with Bentley reps the prop I have on it now is a 157515 pitch SS prop.
I am going to add a third pontoon. If it tries to go OVER or if it wont make it all the way UP then you are leaving speed on the table. Fin System is located at a position where it can provide the greatest benefit.
The third pontoon will be shorter so as to stay 6 away from the motor pod in order to prevent cavitation. Basically when you push the throttle all the way forward the engine should come to the top of its RPM range. I have a 20 sylvan pontoon with a four stroke 60 Yamaha.
Lifting strakes are fitted on either side of the boat as well as the bottom. Yes get the lifting strakes. I have a 2010 24 Bentley Encore pontoon that I recently repowered with a Merc 150 4 stroke.
The blue Sweetwater with lifting strakes had an average 0-20 mph time of 972 seconds while the tan Sweetwater with TAP fins had more than a second quicker time of 805 seconds. I want to install lifting strakes on my boat. This site uses cookies to help personalise content tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.