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We blossom under praise like flowers in sun and dew. A wounded heart will heal in time and when it does the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us. All flowers are beautiful in their own way and thats like women too.
Over 10 Million Gifts Successfully Delivered Since 1989. Ad From Only 17 Including Free Delivery. We open we reach we grow Gerhard E Frost If a great thing can be done it can be done easily but this ease is like the of ease of a tree blossoming after long years of gathering strength.
But there must be sunlight also. Over 10 Million Gifts Successfully Delivered Since 1989. Dont let the tall weeds cast a shadow on the beautiful flowers in your garden- Steve Maraboli.
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In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends. Opening up like flowers. Minds are like flowers they only open when the time is right Stephen Richards.