Aphtha - The infant disease thrush.
Old time names of diseases. AsphycsiaAsphicsia - Cyanotic and lack of oxygen. Also has forms for doctors to certify a condition of mental defect. Problems with muscle control such as tremors or paralysis.
Johnson suffered from it. Chicken pox diphtheria and polio are only a few of the devastating diseases that have been managed with vaccines in the 20th century. Ague an infectious fever grippe flu and dropsy edema are just a few.
Terms like idiot imbecile feeble-minded etc. Blood clot inside blood vessel. The name originated in the time of Edward the Confessor with the belief that the disease could be cured by the touch of the king of England.
The Monroe County Register of Deaths in extremely interesting and is a valuable piece of local history. Diphtheria Seen on death certificates Blood poisoning. Popularly the disease was known as fever and ague chill fever the shakes and by names expressive of the locality in which it was prevalent--such as swamp fever in Louisiana Panama fever and Chagres fever Ague-cake - A form of enlargement of the spleen resulting from the action of malaria on the system.
Developmentally or cognitively delayed. It gives a snapshot into a small period of time in Monroe Countys history. Rocky mountain spotted fever.
Vomiting old black blood due to ulcers or yellow fever. Tooth infections with inflammation. Any Collection of Fluid in an organ.