28 rows Baby girls had strong names like Vigdis where vig meant battle or combat and dis meant.
Norse viking female names. If your furry friend is female there are both strong and beautiful Norse dog names to choose from. Viking Female Name Generator. Pages in category Old Norse Female Names The following 200 pages are in this category out of 1127 total.
Some were and still are popular Norwegian or Scandinavian names while others are words or expressions from the Viking era. She was the queen of Asgard and the goddess of beauty fertility and fate. On top of that the Vikings also had and used bynames to indicate kinship and in other cases the places where people.
Translated from the old language Freya means lady. Thjodhild Thjodhilda Thorarin Thorfinna Thorhalla Thorkatla Thorunn. Other valkyrie names appear solely outside these lists such as Sigrún who is attested in the poems Helgakviða Hundingsbana I and Helgakviða Hundingsbana II.
Frigg Frigg is Odins wife. If youre familiar with Norse mythology this name will be at the top of your head for female names. Her sister is Fryre.
Freya is one of the permanent goddesses of the Norse Pantheon. A female name of Norse origin Solveig is used in Denmark Iceland Norway and Sweden. Alvilda Battle of elves.
A lot of misconceptions exist regarding Vikings most famously the supposed fact they wore horned helmets which they didnt. A historic name Agnes has gone in and out of fashion in Norway several times. The Old Norse poems Völuspá Grímnismál Darraðarljóð and the Nafnaþulur section of the Prose Edda book Skáldskaparmál provide lists of valkyrie names.