Popularity statistics for the given name Nora 1.
Nora name ranking. DEMOGRAPHICS Nora reached its top rank of 28 in the US. Their birth place was New York Brooklyn. Before catching on stateside little Nora was a long-time favorite in England and Ireland.
It is similar to the Hebrew name Norah menorah for reference which means light. View the profiles of people named Nora Naah Ranking. TOP 2000 NAMES 2018 Which version is better.
Help us select the cutest best baby girls names for 2021. On the last available year for each country we. It reached its highest popularity ranking of 136 in 2017 with 2153 occurrences.
Between 1880 and 2019 there were 250816 births of Nora in the countries below which represents an average of 1804 births of children bearing the first name Nora per year on average throughout this period. 1 being the highest and most popular 40337 being the lowest and least used. Small in size but mighty at heart Nora has a powerful meaning that makes parents swoon.
This top 250 contender has seen rankings outside of the top 1000. Top rated girls names. Nora feminine Nora masculine Year.
These are the hottest baby names. Complete 2021 information on the meaning of Nora its origin history pronunciation popularity variants and more as a baby girl name. They are considered the most important person in history born with the first name of Nora.