Nisha is a variation of the name Quanisha English.
Nisha meaning in chinese. From Sanskrit roots its meaning is night. Nisha is generally used as a girls name.
They have a good sense of humour and very kind and helpful. Meanings and history of the name Nisha. Nish contraction and Neisha English and Indian variant spelling are other forms of Nisha.
View the profiles of people named Chinese Nisha. You can find the results below.
Click for more detailed Chinese translation meaning pronunciation and example sentences. What does Nisha mean. Nisha the name originates from the sanskrit meaning night.
We looked for the celebrities whose first name is Nisha and the definitions which contains the name Nisha or similar to it. Nisha meaning night in Sanskrit नश nishā is an Indian female given name and may refer to.
Neasha Neesha English Nesha English Niasha Niesha Nishay Nishi and Nysha are variations of Nisha. Find a translation for the Nisha definition in other languages.