Nisha Meaning Pronunciation Origin And Numerology Nameslook

Nisha Meaning Pronunciation Origin And Numerology Nameslook

Name Nisha Meaning Origin Description Popularity 3214

Name Nisha Meaning Origin Description Popularity 3214

The Meaning Of Nisha Name Meanings

The Meaning Of Nisha Name Meanings

What Does The Name Nisha Mean

What Does The Name Nisha Mean

Nisha Name Meaning In Urdu نشا Nisha Muslim Girl Name

Nisha Name Meaning In Urdu نشا Nisha Muslim Girl Name

Nisha نشا Meaning In English And Urdu

Nisha نشا Meaning In English And Urdu

Nisha نشا Meaning In English And Urdu

Hindi or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi is a standardised and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language.

Nisha meaning for english. On this page you will get the synonyms definition meanings and translation of nisha నష with similar words. Information and translations of Nisha in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. They have a good sense of humour and very kind and helpful.

From Sanskrit roots its meaning is night. The name originates from the sanskrit meaning night. Harr Nishaan हरਹਰ or Nishaan Sahib is an official copyrighted symbol of Ravidassia religion.

Looking for the meaning of the name Nisha. English words for ниша include niche alcove recess dinette bay housing and hovel. The Harr nishan can be found on top of the Ravidassias Bhawans or on the flag every year the Harr Nishaan is changed on the auspcious day of Guru Ravidass Jayanti Birthday.

Nisha Kal Meaning in English. They are very intelligent and have good senses. Nisha is used predominantly in the English and Indian languages and it is derived from Sanskrit and English-American origins.

Nisha is a female name. Its meaning is nighttime.

Here only one word has been listed for the hindi word नश कल. Right-side chat box appearing with Red header Rate this entry. Nisha is a variation of the name Quanisha English.

Nisha Name Meaning

Nisha Name Meaning

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