Nevaeh meaning and personality. The number one personality is a leader - strong and competitive. Analysis of Nevaeh Name Trustworthy Creative Attractive High ability of Persuasion Fearless. From Ideal Career Path or Love Compatibility we help you uncover your full potential.
Nevaeh is heaven spelt backwards. The true meaning of Nevaeh cannot be described with just a few words. They are religious efficient trustworthy compassionate.
Being friendly is a descriptive trait for Nevaeh. She is nowhere near being a crafty person. She is best at being sharing.
Secret Meaning of Nevaeh. Your name is your destiny hearts desire and personality. They are willing to initiate action and take risks.
16-Personality based on types by Jung Myers Briggs and bio info. Nevaeh is a beautiful name for a beautiful person. She will take care of.
Nevaeh name meaning is heaven. 40 25 4 15 7 46. She can be a little tempermental but if you stick around she will end up being the best friend youll EVER have.