Boys names 7673 Marisol.
Names that start with m in spanish. Name two Spanish animals that start with B. Name - MANGO Meaning - GOD IS WITH US. El gato - Cat.
A person for example may have two last names one from their mother and one from their father. How do you spell the animal bat in Spanish. Arce surname Arévalo surname.
Spanish Names for Girls Starting with M. The landing of Columbus in the New World on 12 October 1492 was the beginning of the spread of the Spanish language. El pez - Fish.
Girl names 5943 Mercedes. Name - MACERIO Meaning - BLESSED. If you are searching for Spanish Baby Names for Girls you are in the right place.
Spanish Names for Boys Starting with M. Here are the names for some common pets in Spanish. El cachorro - Puppy.
El hámster - Hamster. If youre looking for something traditional and nothing too common here are some great S names to consider. Name two animals that start with O in Spanish.