Gale This is the masculine version of the name.
Names that mean happiness or joy. Nick names can be used to shorten the official name. Some of the names are longer and you can create a nickname from it to keep it short. French Girl Names Means Happiness.
The name basically means happiness and the person will always be joyful. Names with happy meanings come from a range of cultures and origins from the Hebrew Asher and Naomi to the Japanese Nara and Miyuki. It also means happiness.
These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. Scandinavian for riches prosperity happiness. Nigerian for he was happy Alhad.
A sassy and stylish name that essentially means one who brings joy and happiness Trixie can be a nickname of the name Beatrix. An ancient English name meaning happiness or joy This name is simply one of the favourite classic names of all times. Not only dates it mean happy or fortunate it dates back to old times.
Felix This is a purely Latin name that means lucky and happy. Joy cheer intense happiness Bliss like the similar-sounding Blase exists more often as a last name. Warizah A unique Muslim name for happiness.
Names That Reflect Joy and Happiness for Boys. Farhan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means happy joyous rejoicing. Felicity is a name that means happiness or good fortune derived from the Latin word felicitas which also means luck and good fortune and.