May 04 2020 - 1419 BST Sophie Hamilton.
Most popular baby names 2020 corona. A spike in numbers. Crazy right It barely cracked the list in 100th place so dont expect to see TOO many Coronas out there in the near future its more popular than it used to be. The Bump website has compiled a list of the most searched baby names for 2020.
And Corona is the 100th most popular girls name. 04212020 0849pm EDT Updated May 7 2020. Ever since the outbreak of the pandemic the name Corona for a baby girl has experienced a massive surge in popularity.
Many new parents in 2020 went for outdoorsy nature-inspired names for their little ones. On the social and political fronts Kamala up 104 and Liberty up 12 rose in popularity while Karen and Chad declined by 13 and 12 respectively. For boys its Braxton Zion and Hunter.
And CORONA made the list of the top girls names so far. But creeping in at 100th place is the name Corona. Sophia was the top name for baby girls.
According to leading maternity and pregnancy magazine The Bump Corona is now one of the most searched for baby names in the US and has popped up in the top 100 most. New-age non-traditional names also seem to be more popular with their users. So dont expect to see TOO many Coronas out there in the near future.
Meaning crown in Spanish Corona was most popular between 1912 and 1929. A new survey has revealed the most popular baby names during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. Parents parenting pregnancy covid-19 Baby Names.