Patel is the most common Indian surname in the US a new US Census Bureau study has found.
Most common last name in the world patel. Patel is not at all a common Indian surname. Based on US Census Bureau data the estimated population of people named PATEL is 171331 the rank is 172 and the proportion per 100k Americans named PATEL is 5378. This name is most often used as a last name 100 of the time.
This last name is mostly found in Asia where 89 percent of Patel are found. The most common surname last name in the world is Chang. It is one of the most common Indian surnames in Britain with over 100000 bearers recorded in the 2011 census it said.
The only reason some people in the West think its a common surname among Indians in. One of the most common Indian surnames Patel was a status name from a Hindu and Parsi name for a village herdsman. Patel is also the 3774 th most commonly used first name world-wide.
Devi and Singh the most common surnames in India are at numbers 6 and 9 respectively. Answer has 3 votes. Compare PATEL with other names New.
In the United States the most common surname is Smith followed by Johnson Williams Jones and then Brown. One of the most common Indian surnames Patel was a status name from a Hindu and Parsi name for a village herdsman. The last name Patel carries Indian roots and remains most common among Indians.
In fact this list of the 5 most popular surnames in Asia is also a list of the five most common last names in the entire world. 467 of all the people named PATEL have this family name. There are 83 last names associated with this first name.