Code Issues Pull requests.
Molokai theme. My user-emacs-directory points to a folder on my Dropbox. Monokai color scheme for Vim converted with coloration from Textmate theme with the same name. Add it through iTerm2 Color Schemes preferable it will automatically be used here or through a pull request to this sites repo Windows Terminal Themes.
It has been designed by the author of the original Monokai colors. Eveldee Monokai-Flat. Apparently use-package load-path points to the user-emacs-directory by default I just had to put themes and the necessary files inside it.
Molokai color scheme molokayo. Open this project in vscode. Instantly share code notes and snippets.
Oceanic Next theme oceanic-material. The theme Molokai was based on the vim colorscheme of the same name. Very tweaked molokai based theme mountaineer.
Theme visual-studio monokai visual-studio-code cmd pycharm-colour-scheme intellij-color-scheme konsole-color-schemes. Molokai color theme for xterm. The theme Monokai Soda was found here.
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