The country where the first name Annabeth is the most common is.
Meaning of the name annabeth. Meaning of the name Annabeth. The meaning of the name Annabeth is Gracious God Is My Oath. How common is the name Annabeth-Grace.
That content is used under the GNU Free Documentation License GFDL. The meaning origin and history of the given name Annabeth. Last year it ranked 1456th in the US.
English meaning The name Annabeth is a Latin baby name. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. Combination of ANNA and BETH.
Combination of the names ANNA and BETH Elizabeth. In English the meaning of the name Annabeth is. Show popularity chart Annabeth is a combination of the names Anna and Beth.
The section History and Origin of this page contains content from the copyrighted Wikipedia article Annabeth. Devout woman who saw infant Jesus presented at the temple in Jerusalem. Annabeth is a version of Anna Hebrew.
Annabeth as a girls name is a Hebrew name and the name Annabeth means He God has favored me. According to some researches that is related to meaning of ANNABETH Origin of ANNABETH and Gender of ANNABETHANNABETH is fit nameYou can give to your baby with complacency. Anna is a Latinate variant of the French Anne a cognate of the Hebrew Hannah gracious full of grace.