Reyna is also a variation of Rayna Scandinavian Israeli.
Meaning of reyna. The meaning origin and history of the given name Reyna. Form of Reina which is a form of Regina from the Latin regina meaning queen or lady. This name is based on 5 alphabets.
It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Rey-na. Its origin is Modern English variant of the name Reina. Reyna is a form of Reina and is generally pronounced like RAY na.
Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. It it thought that the name could also have been derived from Rennes in Brittany. Usage of Reyna and Reina is similar to the Latin Regina which also means queen or the Celtic-Welsh Rhiannon Rihanna meaning great queen.
Texas had the highest population of Reyna. In 1880 there were 114 Reyna families living in Texas. Reyna as a girls name is a Latin and Spanish name and the meaning of the name Reyna is queen.
The name Reyna is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Queen. However not all of the family joined the Conqueror as seen by the listing of. Reyna is an alternate spelling of Raina Latin.
The different meanings of the name Reyna are. The meaning of Reyna is queen. The meaning of the name Reyna is.