(invitando qn ad andare prima) after you!
Meaning of prego. Or a shirt that makes a woman look like she is expecting. But what does that have to do with being polite? So if somebody says grazie (thank you) you will reply with prego!
Its original meaning is the first person of the verb pregare, “to pray”: Slang for a woman who is pregnant. What does a prego mean in slang?
Sorry [interjection] (used when asking a person to repeat what he has said) i beg your pardon?. , (invitando qn ad accomodarsi) please sit down!, (invitando qn ad andare prima) after you! Pregnancy fetishism, contexts in which pregnancy is seen by individuals and cultures as an erotic.
Prego also means you are welcome. Pardon [interjection] used to indicate that one has not heard properly what was said. Prego means you are welcome.
He is saying please have a seat. Different meanings of prego in italian you might not know! In an easy dialogue like this one.
(invitando qn ad accomodarsi) please sit down! It can be used to mean “you’re welcome” or “don’t mention it” after someone has said “thank you”. The thing is, prego can also.