Variant forms inherit the origin and meaning of Anya.
Meaning of name anya and astrology. One who is noble and honored. Name Anya belongs to rashi Mesh Aries with dominant planet Mars Mangal and Nakshatra stars Krithika. Some people use their given first name some take on a nickname given to them by a family member or peer and some people choose a nickname or even an alternative name.
Anya is fairly popular as a baby name for girls. The name Anya comes from this Goddess. Also form of Anastasia.
A female given name from Russian of modern usage. It means As the name goes so will the quality. She is linked to Midsummers Eve.
There are some people that even use it in the stock market. Russian diminutive of Anna from Hannah. Aine Celtic Goddess of love growth cattle and light.
The meaning of Anya is favor grace. Honoured nobleIndian belonging to the aryans. Whereas the number 888 is used to represent to Jesus and then the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity.
A name which brings luck and prosperity to you becomes your lucky name. The name with inauspicious meaning can turn life into the hell. In Hungarian Anya means mother.