In Japanese this baby boys name means land 19.
Male baby name meaning pure. Gwenn white fair pure and hael. The top boy name meaning pure or innocent is Finn. 200 Baby Boy Names With Meanings.
A woman in general. A string or thread of pearls. Spanish male name meaning Pure - GALAHAD.
Purity or innocence is a name meaning commonly found in the etymology of first names. Greek male name meaning Pure - MANCHU. It means white snow it is.
It is embodiment of. Chinese male name meaning Pure - TAHIR. Name of Indian Hindu Month Supreme King.
A pure name meaning hard. Shaping your son into a man will be a fun exciting and challenging process that only you will know how to do. Gahad and Garhad are creative forms.
A born leader and a pure jewel who is determined. This Japanese name means first son 20. African male name meaning Pure - AZRA.