In Polish origin the meaning of name Lena is.
Lena meaning of name. The meaning origin and history of the given name Léna. The name Lena means dwelling lodging. This is the name of the Siberian river in Russia.
Lena has 19 forms that are used in English and foreign languages. The dictionary meaning of Lena in English language is palm tree. Lena is generally used as a girls name.
In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Lena is. Famous real-life people named Lena-Lena Dunham produceractress most known for the HBO series Girls and the indie-movie Tiny Furniture-Lena Headey actress most known for her roles as Cersei Lannister in HBOs adaption of. Lena Name Meaning The meaning of Lena is Temptress Illustrious The bright one.
The name has evolved in different languages as a variation of several earlier names. Originally as a name ending of names like Helena and Marlene. Lena is a Greek girls name that can mean alluring temptress light.
Lena is also a diminutive or short form for names that end with -line such as Caroline Adeline and Madeline. The name Lena comes from the endings of Alina and HelenaLena is a short from of Elena. Lena is a female given name.
In some derivations Lena comes from the endings of Alina and HelenaLeana is popular in Persian Hindi Swedish French Finnish and some other culturesLena was the most popular name for girls born in Poland in 2013. A user from California US. Lena as a girls name is pronounced LEE-nah.