Ocabanga44 and 125 more.
Latin name of copper. A copper-containing one would be called a cuprate one with gold would be called an aurate and so on. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Common metals have English names that are different from Latin - Aurum for gold Argentum for silver Ferrum for iron Stannum for tin Plumbum for lead Hydrargirum for mercury Cuprum for copper the latter is close though.
First 36 Elements of Periodic Table. Most of theElements LATIN Names are the Same as their ENGLISH Name. Iron Gold Silver Copper etc are the examples of some useful metals which are hard lustrous and cannot easily break.
The name was eventually simplified to cuprum and this eventually morphed into the English version copper 102 views Answer requested by. If playback doesnt begin shortly. Aeneus aenus aeramen aerarius aereus aerāmen aerārius aes aheneus ahenus aēneus aēnus chalceus cuprum cypreus cyprum orichalcum æneus ærarius æs more 44.
Coppers Latin name was cyprium which itself comes from kypros the Greek name for Cyprus. Adjective verb noun ˈcʌpɜɻ ˈkɒpə ˈkɔpə ˈkɑpɚ. Cyprus was almost the sole source of copper to the Romans who called it aes cyprium ore of Cyprus which was shortened to cyprium and later corrupted to cuprum from which comes the English name copper.
Cyprium means Cyprus or which is from Cyprus where so much of it was mined. It was simplified to cuprum and then eventually Anglicized as copper Old English copercopor. More Latin words for copper.
Uncountable a reddish-brown malleable ductile metallic element with high electrical and thermal. And all the Halogens. The island of Cyprus was famous centuries ago for its copper reserves.