Famous People and fact Named Kian.
Kian meaning arabic. Also known as Shahr-e Kīān Persian. Kian meaning - Astrology for Baby Name Kian with meaning Kings. See Also in Arabic.
The lucky number of Kian name is 7 and also find similar names. Famous real-life people named Kiyan. كيان also Romanized as Kīān.
Full Meaning of Kian Kian is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means being existence essence. Although it seems clear that English speakers have borrowed the name from the Irish-Gaelic Cian rather than adopting it from the East. Although its clear that English speakers have borrowed the name from the Irish-Gaelic Cian rather than adopting it from the East.
Interestingly Kian also happens to be a high ranking name in Iran a Persian name meaning benevolent king and an Arabic name meaning soul essence. You can find the results below. Is fit nameYou can give to your baby with complacency.
Is Kian name fit for baby name. Our research results for the name of Kian Kian name meaning Origin of Kian Pronounced etc. It is derived from the K-W-N existence being was root which is one of the most common roots of the Arabic language used over 800 times in the Quran.
Famous People Named Kian Kian is also a Arabic Name and means generations and King. Kayan means morning sun. Kian alrasm alealaqa entity Relationship Drawing.