“on the first spin, she appears to be wearing underwear,”.
Jessica rabbit not wearing underwear. In early (uncensored) versions of who framed roger rabbit, in the scene where jessica rabbit is thrown from the car she is animated to not be wearing any underwear. Prankish disney animators supposedly drew jessica rabbit without underwear in a few frames of 'who framed roger rabbit.'. Sex does not sell you remember, right?.
On the first spin, she appears to be wearing underwear. During the scene when jessica and eddie are getting away in the taxi and crash into the lightpole,. How to find the jessica's rabbit easter egg in who framed roger rabbit.
On the second spin, however, there are three. Included with fleming’s column was a scene from “roger rabbit” showing jessica rabbit with her skirt hiked up. Did disney animators draw jessica rabbit without underwear in a few frames of 'who framed roger rabbit'?
A~~~~~wfrr was an amblin’ production with animation.