Marchigiana f Judeo-Italian Archaic Derived from Italian demonym marchigiano marchigiana - the one from Marche.
Italian jewish female names. One of the five female names referring to complexion eyes or hair. Yardena Jordena Jordana means to flow down descend Nahar Yarden is the Jordan River. Silvana a famous Italian girls name means woodland or forest.
Yardena Jordena Jordana. Mens Hebrew naming practices being dictated by religious tradition varied less from one region to another than vernacular naming. Girl Precious gift of God.
Yasmina Jasmina Yasmine Jasmin. Add to my list Related names. Feminine form of Italian Goffredo meaning Gods peace GIOIA.
Jacchia Jacobson Jacur Jaffe Jahni Janowitz Janni Jarach Jarè Jenda Jenina Jenna Jenni Jesi Jesurum Jessulam Job Joffe Johanan Jolles Jones Jona Jos Joseph Josz Joung Jules Just. Gavriel is composed of the elements gever meaning strong and el referring to God. Gabriella is the feminine form of Gabriel a name derived from the Hebrew Gavriel.
Mazliah m Judeo-Italian Archaic Medieval Jewish. Gabriela is the Spanish spelling. Italian name derived from Latin Jucunda meaning happy GIOFFREDA.
I address your concern with M names below Riva nickname for RivkaRebecca but works on its own 4. Bina has no connection with the female Hebrew name Binah which means understanding It is a phonetical coincidence. The ways Jews were named in the vernacular varied considerably.