Many car insurance companies do not charge cancellation fees but some charge a fee of 50 or something called a short rate fee which is 10 of the remaining premium youd agreed to pay for the policy period.
Is there a fee to cancel auto insurance. For companies using a pro-rated system if you have a 12-month policy and cancel after three months you will get back nine months worth of premiums. Yes you can cancel your insurance policy at any time. If you cancel your car insurance policy early you may have to pay a cancellation fee.
Your Autoplan broker can answer any questions you have about your cancellation. According to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario auto insurance companies can use short-rating to account for any administrative fees associated with cancelling an insurance policy. Car insurance cancellation fees are around 50.
Cancellation fees may be deducted from your pro-rated refund amount. Insurers cannot charge you a cancellation fee if you choose not to renew an expired policy. When it comes to cancellation fees in many cases there is no fee to deal with.
But there are times where there may be some fees involved in order to cancel the. Progressive might charge a cancellation fee in certain states based on state law although most drivers pay 0 to cancel their Progressive auto insurance policy. If you took out the insurance through a broker they may also charge a cancellation fee.
Others charge a short rate fee of 10 which means you need to pay a 10 fee on the remaining policy you signed up for. However some insurers charge a flat cancellation fee of 50. Some companies issue something called a.
The short answer is yes and yes. Its always important to check the fine print of your policy before you make any final decisions. You may be eligible for a refund if you have prepaid for your policy.