Bro, look at our marja, or any shia scholar at that fact, no man has ear rings, definitly the imams did not have it, the origin of ear rings were for women, go look at it, which def.
Is piercing haram for men. Is ear piercing haram for men is it ok to not wear your wedding ring?(here is our answer) melbaavila march. Body piercing is not allowed in islam, especially, nowadays if it is a trend. Is it allowed to pierce ear for wearing jewellery?
20 cool ear piercing ideas will trends for men from Most of the people you listed are impressive in one way or another but from an islamic point of view, womanizing, partying and other unhealthy things for the soul would be considered bad. So, what i am going to do is take into account the arguments made by conservatives on the topic of piercing and provide counter arguments:
You asked what does the sharia have to say about men wearing jewellery, and one person has said that it is forbidden (giving an hadith as evidence). For boys of all ages it is haram to get any type of piercing unless it is for a medical reason. For boys and men of all ages, it is haram to get any type of piercing unless it is somehow for a medical reason.
Can men get piercings in islam? For women, it is permissible to wear necklaces as long as they do not contain anything harams like evil eye or. If ear piercing allowed, what is the rule for men and ear piercing?
“earrings for men are haram because they are. In the america it is typical for gay men to wear an earring in their right ear and normal men to wear in their left ear, so a shia man wearing earrings is not seen as femine in the america, in. And piercings will be a sort of “imitating” women.
It does, however, state that males are not allowed to wear them. There are many things that are permissible for women but are forbidden for men, one of those being piercings. No, it is not haram for guys to get piercings or be feminine!