Bachelor internationales business management (fachrichtung) | mit fortschreitender globalisierung steigen auch die anforderungen an unternehmen, angemessen darauf zu reagieren und sich an grenzüberschreitenden prozessen auszurichten.
International management studium hamburg. Der duale, komplett englischsprachige studiengang international management kombiniert ein praxisbezogenes international ausgerichtetes betriebswirtschaftliches studium mit gleichzeitiger systematischer ausbildung im unternehmen. A degree program is considered comparable if, in accordance with §1 of the admissions regulations, it is an. Make sure you inform yourself about the subject (e.g.
Insgesamt wurde das studium bisher 3 mal bewertet. Successful completion of the bachelor of arts in international management degree program at the rheinmain university of applied sciences or of a comparable economics or business administration degree program. März (sommersemester) und september (wintersemester) abschluss:
Its characteristic feature is the fact that students study together as a cohort at each of the partner universities, starting in germany, continuing in poland and china, and ending in the united states. International management studium in vollzeit auf einen blick. Mibas brings together students from various cultural backgrounds and.
Our faculty is committed to establishing the master in international management as a premier management program in. International management studium in hamburg hamburg st. International school of management (ism) international:
We have designed a program that will ensure a unique learning experience and ideal job market opportunities. The international master study course “mechanical engineering and management“ gives students with a bachelor´s degree in mechanical engineering or similar the opportunity to deepen their engineering knowledge in one of three technical specifications, materials, mechatronics, or product development and production, and provides further. We are happy to help!
The “studium mit vertiefter praxis” consists of 6 theoretical semesters plus one practical semester (=4th or 5th semester at the company) as well as the final thesis as an integral part in the 7th semester. Dortmund, frankfurt/main, münchen, hamburg, köln, stuttgart, berlin. Das studium wird als vollzeitstudium angeboten.