The infer keyword compliments conditional types and cannot be used outside an extends clause.
Infer in inferior. Conclude or judge from premises or evidence: Lower, or of lower rank: Inferring definition of infer transitive verb 1 :
Not good, or not as good as someone or something else: Lower in place or position; The inferior is the lowest part of the heart on the diaphragm.
Deduce, infer, conclude, draw an inference; White — compare imply 2 : Infer (v.) in logic, to 'bring in' as a conclusion of a process of reasoning, 1520s, from latin inferre bring into, carry in;
Closer to the bottom or base: [ + that ] i. Forum discussions with the word (s) infer in the.
Infrastructure is what goes beneath a structure, infrasonics are sounds below what humans can hear. ‘infer’ of ‘inferior’ is the same as infra as in infrastructure and infrasonics. Verb (used with object), in·ferred, in·fer·ring.
To derive as a conclusion from facts or premises we see smoke and infer fire — l. Conclude, deduce, come to the conclusion that, draw a conclusion, read between the lines, more. Infer allows us to define a variable within our.