Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations.
In text citation cse. There are three ways to cite references in-text using CSE style. All thats needed is a superscripted number. However when choosing which to follow bear in mind that it is in the Reference List that the importance of your system resides.
A raised numeral located at the end of a clause or sentence identifying the content as outside source material. Citations precede the final punctuation of the sentence that contains the reference. If two references are cited in the same sentence or phrase separate the superscript numbers with a comma eg.
A space separates the name and the year. The Council of Science Editors CSE style is a standard citation style used across many disciplines in the physical and life sciencesThe CSE style encompasses three distinct systems. The basic elements of the in-text citation are the authors last name and the year of publication of the work.
With a web site where there is usually no page numbers just list the authors last name. In the Name-Year system citations are provided in the main text through parenthetical citations. Uses superscript numerals to identify in-text citations.
Example In-text citation The NIH has. Format in-text references The style advocated by CSE suggests that numbers appear in superscript and appear before punctuation marks commas or periods. Put an in-text citation for an entire sentence right before the period.
Consult your professor if you are unsure of which style to use. In-text citations appear in brackets and. In-text citations are superscript numbers which are numbered chronologically.