Vessel MSC ILONA is a Container Ship Registered in Liberia.
Ilona yacht current position. Where is the current position of MSC ILONA presently. The vessel LONIAN IMO. 8982307 on ais live map is in Aegean Sea with coordinates 3745146 2532074 and speed 02 knots as reported on 2021-06-09 1613 by AIS live data.
Discover the vessels particulars including capacity machinery photos and ownership. The Le Soleal ship has an ice-strengthened hull allowing it to cruise in the Antarctica and Arctic regions. The current position of LUNA is at Persian Gulf coordinates 2526352 N 5528288 E reported 23 days ago by AIS.
The vessel is en route to CABO MEXICO sailing at a speed of 136 knots and expected to arrive there on Feb 23 1700. The vessel is sailing at a speed of 01 knots. Get the details of the current Voyage of ILONA I including Position Port Calls Destination ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8409082 MMSI 373848000 Call Sign 3EVQ8.
Maps below show the following voyage data - Present Location NExt port Estimated ETA. The vessel is en route to PTSIE-ZACPT sailing at a speed of 196 knots and expected to arrive there on May 22 1000. The current position of ILONA is at Baltic Sea coordinates 6013556 N 2464905 E reported 8 hours ago by AIS.
Discover the vessels particulars including. Look up ship particulars their schedules and port arrivals for the coming weeks or analyze ship trading patterns. 9225641 MMSI 636092932 is a Container Ship built in 2001.
The vessel MSC ILONA IMO. The vessel AQUIJO IMO. FleetMon Explorer is your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking.