The current position of ILONA is at Baltic Sea coordinates 6013556 N 2464905 E reported 8 hours ago by AIS.
Ilona yacht current position. The vessel is en route to PTSIE-ZACPT sailing at a speed of 196 knots and expected to arrive there on May 22 1000. Vessel MSC ILONA is a Container Ship Registered in Liberia. The Le Soleal ship has an ice-strengthened hull allowing it to cruise in the Antarctica and Arctic regions.
Get the details of the current Voyage of ILONA including Position Port Calls Destination ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 1007964 MMSI 319149800 Call Sign ZGIB8 Vessel ILONA is a Yacht Registered in Cayman Is. Safety Guidance for Yacht Crew Job Seekers - To be certain there is far more dangerous work than that which can be found on a yacht. Main ship particulars are length of 300 m and beam of 40 m.
FleetMon Explorer is your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Get the details of the current Voyage of ILONA I including Position Port Calls Destination ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8409082 MMSI 373848000 Call Sign 3EVQ8. The vessel AQUIJO IMO.
Main ship particulars are length of 118 m and beam of 18 m. Providing you with a real-time view of the marine traffic from global overview to the single ship it is an outstanding and. Vessel MOTOR YACHT A is a pleasure craft ship sailing under the flag of Marshall Islands.
Vessel ILONA I is a Crude Oil Tanker Registered in Panama. Get the details of the current Voyage of ELENA including Position Port Calls Destination ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 1012438 MMSI 319067900 Call Sign ZGEE5. The vessel ILONA MMSI 230146660 is a Pleasure craft and currently sailing under the flag of Finland.
The vessel MSC ILONA IMO. Nevertheless we tell you some things to. 2021-06-06 2101 UTC 4 minutes ago.