If you wish to search for.
If function in excel with text string. IFISNUMBERSEARCH substring text Yes No Instead of returning TRUE or FALSE the formula above will return Yes if substring is found and No if not. Take the above dataset. For the logical test of IF we use the COUNTIF function that counts the number of cells matching the specified wildcard string.
Using this function you can check two or more conditions using excel logical test and it should return TRUE if any of the condition evaluates to TRUE. Excels RIGHT Text Function. If we receive an error response we know the text AT does not exist in the text string.
Compare strings excel vba. To extract the rightmost characters from a string use the RIGHT function. The reason for the -1 in there is because FIND will return the index of where the space is but if we used that number in the LEFT function it would include the space so we subtract 1 in order to remove the trailing space.
We can use this new information to determine if the text AT exists in the companion text strings. If you want to do something when a cell contains specific text you can wrap the formula in an IF statement like this. To extract a substring starting in the middle of a string use the MID function.
The SEARCH function is NOT case-sensitive. Heres is example of the nested Excel IF function that returns Text if cell B1 contains any text value Number if B1 contains a numeric value and Blank if B1 is empty. To get the length of a string use the LEN function.
You can check if a cell contains a some string or text and produce something in other cell. A search for the letters AT would find AT At aT and at. The result of the CONCATENATE function is always a text string even when all of the source values are numbers.