Keep doing partial water changes, skimming the top of gravel.
Ich betta treatment. The lifecycle of ich is typically 3 weeks; It is possible to treat ich without any chemicals by changing the water temperature in the tank. The life cycle of ich depends heavily on the water temperature.
Once it realizes it has a parasite, it will try to rub it off its skin. That will pick up any spores. Betta's don't handle salt well.
What is ich on betta fish? The smaller the body of water, the more the temperature can fluctuate. Ich requires cooler water temperatures to reproduce and complete its life cycle.
Excessive rubbing can cause wounds and sores. Ick is a parasite that attaches to the body of a betta fish and causes discomfort, itching, and sickness. Salt and water parasitic trophonts stay in fish for five to seven days at a water temperature of 22o to 25oc.
In the second stage of the ich parasitic life cycle, it cannot reproduce nor do metabolic activities normally at 86 degrees. Betta fish are prone to ich, and failing to cure. Ich is also known as “ick” or “white spot disease.”.
Another sign of ich is seeing your betta rubbing on things in the tank. They are susceptible to high temperatures and the good news is that ich will usually die off in 2. Let us discuss more on ick in betta fish.