To set up a Zoom meeting on your phone go to New Meeting Start a Meeting Participants Invite.
How to use zoom meeting via phone. There are a few things to keep in mind when joining a zoom meeting by phone only. You can join the meeting on a computer or through the app later. They do not need to have a pro plan.
You can use the Zoom desktop client mobile app or web portal to play and manage your voicemail messages. Start a Zoom meeting with the other person on the call. To join a Zoom meeting by phone a user only needs the phone number and the password to the meeting to join in.
Play and delete voicemail messages. Join a Zoom Meeting On Android. If you have the Zoom mobile app installed on your smartphone tapping the meeting link will launch Zoom Cloud Meetings and automatically connect you.
Zoom Phone forwards all unanswered and declined inbound calls to your voicemail. You can join a Zoom meeting using a traditional phone when. Then choose to send an email text message or another method to invite your contacts to the meeting.
If you havent downloaded the Zoom app you will see a prompt to download and run the app. Use call flip to switch the device you are using for the call. You need to click this option every time you try to launch Zoom from a web browser.
How to Set up a Meeting on Your Phone. Open the Zoom app and tap Sign In. Click Open Zoom Meetings PC or Open zoomus Mac.