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How to use text decoration in html. La propriété text-decoration est utilisée pour décorer le texte en ajoutant une ligne pouvant être positionnée sous sur ou à travers le texte. The words can be made to blink striked words etc. You can under line the text or word by using this value.
Text-decoration is a CSS property that defines the appearance of lines on text. Play it initial. The box-decoration-break property specifies how the background padding border border-image box-shadow margin and clip-path of an element is applied when the box for the element is fragmented.
Line-through - Renders a line through the middle of each line of text. Sets the kind of text decoration to use like underline overline line-through text-decoration-color. Sets the color of the text decoration.
One can make use of this property and customize how the text should be lined ie. The text-decoration property is used to add decorations to inline content. It renders a certain kind of effect to the text.
Overline - Renders a line above each line of text. Get code examples like. The text-decoration-style property sets the style of the text decoration like solid wavy dotted dashed double.
Blink - Renders blinking flashing text. Line-through A line should be drawn through the middle of the inline text. None - Renders no text decoration.