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This article shows how to use the SystemTextJson namespace to serialize to and deserialize from JavaScript Object Notation JSON.

How to use newtonsoft instead of system.text.json. All Im trying to do is null out property based on an attribute. The CosmosDBAsyncCollector output binding uses Newtonsoft as its JSON Serializer. The only issue is that you have to write everything to the writer manually.

JsonNamingPolicy public override string ConvertNamestring name nameToUpper. If you want to use Newtonsoft instead you can add the MicrosoftAspNetCoreMvcNewtonsoftJson nuget package then call AddNewtonsoftJson in StartupConfigureServices like this. This article shows how to migrate from NewtonsoftJson to SystemTextJson.

JsonDocument provides the ability to build a read-only DOM by using Utf8JsonReader. Migrating Newtonsoft to SystemTextJson SystemTextJson was released with dotnetcore 3 in 2019 and has been improved in NET 5. Should change be done to all targets and publish as part of 20.

At this point blocked by https. It should move to SystemTextJson both because its faster and more efficient but also because it comes in-box on runtimes such as NET Core 31 meaning that developers on those platforms will no longer have AppCenter add the extra NewtonsoftJson dependency and binary to their app package. To use a custom JSON property naming policy create a class that derives from JsonNamingPolicy and override the ConvertName method as shown in the following example.

The SystemTextJson namespace provides functionality for serializing to and deserializing from JavaScript Object Notation JSON. As long as our projects IMvcBuilder is being intialized including that call every time well call the Json method from our apps action methods the NewtonsoftJson API will be used under the hood. Should it only affect target netcoreapp30.

I have used JObject extensively which is the wrong name for any class. By default ASPNET Core uses SystemTextJson for JSON serialization. The JsonElement type provides array and object enumerators along with APIs to convert JSON text to common NET types.

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