Unlike other branded handbags, there isn’t a specific stitch count.
How to tell authentic gucci wallet. One of the easiest things to look at. Men gucci wallet how to tell if gucci wallet is authentic ahoy comics authentic. Be suspicious if you can’t read a stamp.
So, if you spot any flaw in stitching, then it is definitely a fake product. Check the bag for fake gucci details. If the wallet contains a zipper, it should be made of the same.
In some of the newer gucci bags, you may also notice engraved gucci logos on the underside of the zipper. A leather patch on the handbag may contain a serial number tag. How do i find my gucci item number?
Look at the double g on the canvas, you will notice different sizes of the famous logo on fake bags, as well as different spaces between the letters. Interior tag should be intact. The signature on the authentic wallet has larger letters with greater spacing between one another.
Check for a leather tab that has. Men’s gucci micro gg leather wallet… guaranteed authentic gucci. How to check if a gucci wallet is a fake?
Fake gucci wallets are easy to spot if you know what things to look for when trying to determine if a gucci wallet is real or not. The interior tag should be sewn inside the bag at the top. In this way, you can spot a fake gucci wallet.