Now if you want your text to blink then while calling the textcolor function pass the color and also say BLINK.
How to set text color in c++ graphics. Dim drawPoint As New PointF 1500F 1500F Draw string to screen. I then tried to instead set the color as part of a style. First import Color import androidgraphicsColor.
For changing the background supported colors are BLACK WHITE RED BLUE BROWN YELLOW PINK CYAN etc it is necessary to write them in capital. The header file graphicsh contains setcolor function which is used to set the current drawing color to the new color. Dim drawString As String Sample Text Create font and brush.
Function lovedraw lovegraphicssetColor1 0 0 lovegraphicscirclefill 50 50 20 lovegraphicssetColor0 0 1 lovegraphicscirclefill 50 100 20 myColor 0 1 0 1 lovegraphicssetColormyColor lovegraphicscirclefill 50 150 20 end. Just discovered this today 92013. You can use this function to vary the text colors of your output.
TextcolorRED To change text color to red textcolorREDBLINK. Color your text in Windows console mode colors are 0black 1blue 2green and so on to 15white colorattribute foreground background 16 to get red text on yellow use 4 1416 228 light red on yellow would be 12 1416 236 FlushConsoleInputBufferhConsole. JLabel label new JLabelthis is something I want people toNOTICE.
But ContextCompatGetColor returns an int rather than an AndroidGraphicsColor so wont compile. Then all you have to do is this. Void setcolor int color.
Dim drawFont As New Font Arial 16 Dim drawBrush As New SolidBrush ColorBlack Create point for upper-left corner of drawing. It may be an int type value or variable. For VGA its value is from 0 to 15.