Here is the translation and the German word for Best wishes.
How to say best wishes for your birthday in german. Used to congratulate a woman on the birth of her child. You all simply use these beautiful thank you messages in German and share your joy with others. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum birthday numbersten und alles Gute.
Viel Glück im neuen Heim. Causes for Celebration in German Congratulations can come in large and small packages. But if it makes you feel better you may use the plural form and send many best wishes in German.
38 Short Best Wishes Good Luck Congrats Messages. Herzliche Grüße an Dich und Deinen SohnDeine Tochter. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute zum Geburtstag wünscht dir your name.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Feel Glueck ihm NOY-ehn Hiym. I wish you happy birthday and all the best on this day.
Ich werde ihm die besten Wünsche des Parlaments für die Zukunft übermitteln. If you want to know how to say Best wishes in German you will find the translation here. I will pass on to him the best wishes of this Parliament for the future.
The most common way to say congratulations in German is Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Ah-less goo-teh tsoom geh-boohrtz-tahg All the best for your birthday. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.