Check the real identity of a craigslist seller/buyer.
How to report spam on craigslist. To get away from craigslist scams, you can run a background search on any sellers or buyers in the trade. Here are a few quick tips for spotting craigslist scams: Find the contact us option.
Flag listing directly on craigslist or via email reply. In order to flag an email received from the scammer, scroll to the. Check off the “report spam or scam” option that appears in the “type of.
How to spot and report a scam to craigslist ; Craigslist city and category in which the post appears; Complete the online submission form found on the craigslist “contact us” page (see link in resources).
Look out for ads that display a sense of. This, along with the fact that postings can be. I sent an email a woman by the name of christine green has been emailing me staring first truck only 3,000.
From the front page, look in the left column and click “avoid scams & fraud”. I found a truck on craigslist 2008 gmc sierra 57k. Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): if you are receiving email directly from another individual (i.e.
To report spam, contact us. Date/time the phone number seems to. In case you want to report text spam related to your craigslist post, you can try one of the following options: