Do the same on the.
How to realign garage door sensors. The first step for aligning your garage door sensors is safety. Ensure that you’ve loosened the screws enough so that you can slide the mounting. Pull the string taut and tie to the.
The sensors have been exposed to direct sunlight for so long. The knot you make should be very tight. If you have a safety beam out of line, the fix is pretty self explanatory.
Tie one end of the string to one sensor and the bracket mount. You point the sensors straight at one another until they are aligned properly. Connect the new sensor to the old white wire using another blue wire nut.
Tie a string (long enough to span the width of the garage door) around the bracket on one side so that the string will line up with the sensor lens. Then, wait for 10 seconds and rotate the sensor back in position. Once you’ve located the sensors, use a screwdriver to loosen both wing nuts slightly in order to be able to reposition the sensors.
Loosen the nut or screw that’s holding the sensor in place, and then tie a piece of string to both sensors. Most units will have lights on. The 8 steps to align garage door sensors 1.
Attach the string and tie the knots then. If you have additional questions, our office will also be happy to walk you thru it over the phone. It needs to be long enough that you’ll be able to pull it across to the other mounting bracket.