To perform tahajjud prayer means the demonstration of ascending from rest during the evening and afterward praying.
How to pray tahajjud prayer. This can be done in the early part of the night, middle of the night or in the third part of the night. The tahajjud prayer, or known as “night prayer,” is a special islamic prayer that is recommended (but not compulsory) for all muslims. The tahajjud prayer is an islamic night prayer that is offered in order to attain mental strength and peace.
Tahajjud prayers are prayed in pairs meaning two rakat then two rakat until you finish all the 12 rakat then you pray one witr rakah. Tahajjud prayer has a minimum of two rakats and a maximum of twelve rakats. The tahajjud prayer falls in the.
First start off with reciting the dua for tahajjud before starting the salah. Prayer (salat) — one of. Tahajjud prayer is a nafl or voluntary prayer.
The prophet ﷺ said, “the best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.” [muslim]. It is also known to avert acts of sin. Tahajjud means to abandon sleep so that you can pray salah.
Rakatfirst make the niyyah (intention) by reciting i. When you do wake up at such an hour, make wudu (ablution before prayer). Then pray 2 rakats of salah each.
You say takbir allahu akbar this starts the prayer. It is also known to avert acts of sin. You must be clean in all aspects.