You have to prepare your natural locks before attaching the frontal.
How to install a full lace frontal. Keep pressing the lace frontal into the glue as you pass from side to side. They also take less time to set up. The latest innovation in hair extensions is the 360 lace frontal.
Coating glue all over the edges of the. 1.gather materials dome cap on styrofoam head on left side of. After a period, the lace frontal needs removing and your real hair also needs relaxing.
The following steps will help you style your hair without the use of heat;. Wear the wig without glue first to see how the edges are. Release all your doubts & worries about being able to achieve the perfect melt.
You must remove the extra lace. So some women like to apply the full lace wigs with glue or adhesive tape to make the full lace wig install firmly. Once the lace frontal is attached, tie cornrows to blend it with your scalp.
This video breaks down the frontal wig install process to the t by showing. Many women got worse hair problems due to the wrong. Styling lace frontals without heat.
Styling lace frontals without heat require a little bit of technique. Simply place the lace frontal onto your scalp, and then sew the rest of the hair around it. Then use the comb to help.