In the text use the following citation.
How to in text cite a journal article apa with multiple authors. Please see the examples provided. Uses the author-date citation system for citing references in text. Second Initial Author Surname First Initial.
Author Surname et al Year page number References. Click here for APA 6th edition guidelines. Author Surname et al Year page number References.
An APA Style citation for a journal article includes the author name s publication year article title journal name volume and issue number page range of the article and a DOI if available. Then end with the final authors name do not place an ampersand before it. List by last names and initials.
Author Surname First Initial. Authors Last Name Authors Last Name Authors Last name year Authors Last Name et al year In-Text Citation Direct Quote. For resources with 21 authors use the names of the first 19 authors followed by ellipsis and the name of the final author ie there should be a maximum of 20 authors included in the reference list entry.
Field 2005 Two authors. Citing GroupCorporate Authors in APA. In text name the original work and give a citation for the secondary source.
In-Text Citation Direct Quote. There should be no more than twenty names in the citation in total. Reference list entries for books journal articles or any resource with multiple authors can include up to 20 authors names before it is necessary to abbreviate.