Your instinct may be to pop them straight.
How to get blood out of underwear from a period. Gentle cold machine wash 4. Hot water (and warm water, for that matter) heats the stain, and in the case of blood, it will cause the blood to seep deeper into the fabric's fibers. When you get period stains on your underwear, it’s not the end of the world!
When you spy that blood spot, try to take immediate action to remove it. The secret washing step nobody talks about 2. For some of us, it’s a monthly reality.
Once the stain has gone, rinse the undies in. Use period underwear alternatively, you can start wearing period underwear tо avoid thіѕ рrоb lеm. Rinse the stain with a little cool water—the less stain you have to work on, the better.
Hang out to dry 5. Dip a wash cloth or rag in the hydrogen peroxide and dab it directly on the stain until it disappears. Extra care tips how long do.
Simply head to your medicine cabinet and take out some hydrogen. The best place to start is at the sink, by running the stain under the cold — we repeat, cold — tap until the. How to get period blood out of underwear.
Then rinse your underwear with. Fill a bowl with one cup of cold water. Rinse in cold water 3.