To do this you need to distinguish between the items in the text and the reference list by allocating letters.
How to do an in text citation for a website with multiple authors. List both authors in text. Always cite both authors names in-text everytime you reference them. Cite web pages in text as you would any other source using the author and date if known.
This fact was also shared in other sources Smith 2019. Keep in mind that the author may be an organization rather than a person. If you cite multiple works by the same author in the same parenthetical citation give the authors name only once and follow with dates.
If there are four or more authors the citation is shortened with et al. MLA in-text citation style uses the authors last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken for example. Add the date in parentheses immediately after the last name of the second author.
Citing a work by multiple authors For a source with two authors list the authors last names in the text or in the parenthetical citation. The in-text citation must correspond with the entry on the Works Cited page MLA in-text citations follow the Author-Page style meaning the authors last name and the page number s of the quotation or paraphrase must appear in the text. Harvard in-text citation examples.
Direct quote or Paraphrase Authors Last Name Year published p. No date citations go first then years then in-press citations. How to cite multiple publications by the same authors in the same year There may be times when you have to cite two publications by an author published in the same year.
If the source does not use page numbers do not include a number in the parenthetical citation. For sources with no author use the title in place of an author. When a source has four or more authors your in-text citation or footnote should give only the first authors name followed by et al Latin for and others.