To set a name for this speech.
How to code text to speech. Now go to any folder and open it in vs code or any code editor and create a python file with py. Btn_ttssetOnClickListener Get the text to be converted to speech from our EditText. Convert this text to speech text Python is a great programming language enginesaytext play the speech enginerunAndWait.
Text Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the. Initialize Text-to-speech engine engine pyttsx3init Now to convert some text we need to use say and runAndWait methods. Making a text to speech converter in python Create a python file.
Import gTTS library and os module in order to play the converted audio. Creating a text that we want to convert into audio. First step is to create instance of TextToSpeech.
Audio_data rrecordsource durationduration printRecognizing text rrecognize_googleaudio_data printtext Copy. First it will ask you to enter the text you want to convert to speech than it. Val text et_text_inputtexttoStringtrim Check if user hasnt input any text.
Val text et_text_input. Public void dospeakString speakString voicename speaktextspeak. Enginesave_to_fileThis is a test phrase testmp3 enginerunAndWait The above code will save the output as an mp3 file in the same location where you Python script is.
Convert Text into Speech Code. Pass context to TextToSpeechs contructor and Callback which will be called when TextToSpeech will ready. Optional Finally to run the speech we use runAndWait All the say texts wont be said unless the interpreter encounters runAndWait.