The color names are case-insensitive.
How to change text color of an element in css. An RGB value - like rgb 25500 Look at CSS Color Values for a complete list of possible color values. The foreground text color is specified by setting the color property to hsl0deg 100 100. As you did with the font-size section find the body selector and add a color property.
The color values can be expressed in RGB color numbers color keywords or in hexadecimal color numbers. Mostly we used in the tag in the html because CatPhotoApp So how can you change the color of the H2 element to red. Color keywords are nothing but the names of the colors like red blue yellow etc.
In this example the paragraph text is changed to the color black. To change text color in CSS you can use the color keywords to achieve this. Text-Color Demonstration Using Inline CSS.
The default text color for a page is defined in the body selector. How to change text color in CSS. For this example we will define the style for the elements within the tags using the style parameter.
To change the text color for every paragraph in your HTML file go to the external style sheet and type p. Now to change the text size and color of the freeCodeCamp text you need to select it in the stylesheet and apply the appropriate properties and values to it. CSS defines the few color keywords which lets you specify color values in an easy way.
Lets take an application that has an element. In action it looks like this. This is one of many ways to specify the color white.