Now that you know all about the carl bot and the command functions it has to offer, it is time to set it up on your discord server.
How to add carl bot. One that only removes roles.!rr fixforeign !rr fixforeign 458641514017587210: Your server screen will open. In the carl bot dashboard, click on the reaction roles option in the left sidebar.
On the discord site, in the sidebar to the left, select the server you want to add a bot to. Multiple roles with a single reaction (plays nicely with unique) fast, rate limits spammers to prevent abuse. All these messages will be sent to the channel saved with !set welcome.
Access carlbot’s dashboard from a web browser at your computer, on your tablet; Sometimes, the carl bot prompts you to pick a server again on your main carl bot dashboard. This is not as simple as it sounds.
Use the embedsource command to obtain your embed's content and layout. You can ask for help on your community service if you have any errors or. Paste the json into the embed builder on the dashboard.
Just type !testgreet and have the bot spit out all of them. Easily setup discord server reaction roles with carl bot reaction roles!this how to discord video on reaction roles will show you how to easily use carl bo. On the reaction roles page, click on the create new reaction.
You must first add it to your friends list. This is so it has a way of getting back in touch with you after you disconnect it. If you want to send a welcome message on your discord server to.