I think the max is 250
How many roles can a discord server have. Choose your sport roles and debate! Any organizers who will be involved in moderation or otherwise need administrative access to the discord server can be given. Keep in mind that this role comes 2nd to the administrator role, and although you can add, edit, and assign new roles to users, you still can't edit your role and roles above yours.
Choose your favorite video games! New discord servers are able to have a total of 500 channels inside of their server. No such think as too much.
If you're doubting that, here's my bot having 244 roles. Click “open discord” to get to your list of servers. A role has a property called members, which is a collection.
Or in other words, if any of their roles grants it, they recieve the perm at the server level. We are adding many events to this server,. This varies a lot based on the nature of the.
I have seen a lot of people requesting the maximum amount of server roles to be increased beyond 250. Only have as many moderators as the server needs. They however often fail to mention in their op why they want this.
What roles exist in discord? The other 6 roles are bot integrated roles so i. Write a story or read stories.