Most likely as everyone else is saying they were intended to represent kisses.
How many kisses on a text message. Avoid A Huge Mistake To Kiss Embrasser A Kiss Un Baiser. Xx What Does Xx Mean. Especially a winky face to pretend that twatty thing you just wrote is actually a hilarious joke.
It varies a lot by person but generally no kisses means they are not happy with you I tend to use 3 as a standard number some get more some get less if they are leaving an insane number of kisses like 15 or something though there must be a reason for that. What Is Love 31 People Reveal What Love Means To Them Allure. Abbreviations of the LOLWTF variety are fine in texts to friends but not in more formal contexts.
All upper-case looks angrily shouty even when its not. XX is seen at the end of a text message on Facebook Instagram or chat forums. How Many Kisses Should You Put On The End Of A Text.
Here are some common links. Basically it means give me some space till Im calmgot more time. The letter X has denoted a kiss since the 18th century but its safe to assume that these days colleagues receiving it on an email dont actually view it as such.
I dont usually kiss him between sentences when we meet in person. I might delete some letters of words if its only just gone into 2 messages etc though. Ive put what I believe to be true but you may think differently.
What does 3 Kisses mean in a text. Lets start by those people who dont put a kiss these are usually the ones who want to seem all professional and make themselves out to be too. This is where you change your account settings.