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How long does it take for prozac to work reddit. 7 votes and 11 comments so far on reddit Husband died suddenly very young. Not on a daily, or even really a weekly basis.

Prozac takes about 3 to 4 weeks to start working depending on the individual. Prazac's benefits can be felt within a week or two, although it can take a few weeks to be sure. Fixing separation anxiety can be a long and.

I felt the difference around the 3 week mark. How long does it take for prozac to work you may ask? For me it took around 6 weeks but.

Almost done with week 3, and. Prozac does not have a rapid or immediate effect on mood, but once it does achieve consistent levels in the body, it is a highly effective medication. Do not stop taking it.

Prozac may take around 6 weeks to show the effectiveness, as it will slowly clear the depression. You won’t feel a thing. The first month was pretty awful.

When i upped to 20mg took the full 3 weeks. I took prozac for a long time before ever taking olaznapine. Prozac takes some time to work, as it is designed for all types of depression.

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